Monday, 26 May 2014

Plan presentation day

On the 20th of May we met with Ron at Rawson to have our plan presentation. Which went pretty well for the most part. As it had been suggested by Those That Have Gone Before (over at the homeone forums) they key is to be prepared. Go over the plans that you are sent before the meeting, and have a list of (non footprint-altering) changes prepared in advance. If you don’t, the meeting will take longer than you think and it’s likely there will be delays and drawings go back and forth between you and the builder. That’;s not to say that this won’t happen anyway, but at least you won’t be surprised by this and you’ll possibly avoid being charged for re-drawing the plan.

Ron was very helpful with explaining the drawings (I can read plans, but there were a few things that I just didn’t know, like the window codes), but unfortunately had missed a few things that we had emailed in previously. I mentioned a few posts ago that we had been rejected on having tiles up to the ceiling – this turned out to be a misunderstanding. Ron had thought that we had wanted tiles on the ceiling, when what we had asked about was having the wall tiles go up to the ceiling. I’m glad I asked! We also placed and sized the wall niches (one at the end of the entry hall, and the other used as a dropped ceiling over the island bench in the kitchen) and asked about a wider front door (1020mm instead of about 850mm). One thing that Ron pointed out on the drawings was that the stacker door to the alfresco was only 2100mm high. As part of the upgrade package we get 2600mm high ceilings and 2400mm doors. Having the stacker doors shorter than the others would look all wrong.

So as the moment we are now waiting on the plans to be updated, and hopefully we can sign off that part of the process and get onto internal selections (I can see that my wife has a whole Pinterest board with her ideas)

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